5 steps to the virtual telephone system

Step-by-step Admin Guide

How to install Ayrix (video tutorial)

Download the Ayrix .ISO file for installation. The video will guide you step by step through the process until the Ayrix PBX is ready for configuration.

Step 1: On-Premise or in the cloud?

You have the possibility to install Ayrix on a hypervisor or directly on a PC/server (on-premise). Tested are the hypervisor environments of VMWare, KVM and XEN. Ayrix requires very few resources, therefore we recommend an installation on a hypervisor.

Step 2: System requirements

For an operation with 20-25 participants and a normal office routine Ayrix needs a vCPU and 750 MB memory. Ayrix is both powerful and resource-saving. For larger installations with more than 25 participants, the above parameters should be increased accordingly.

Step 3: Installation

  1. Download the ISO file from the Ayrix website.
  2. If using a virtualization: Select the Ayrix ISO image for booting.
  3. Start your system using the ISO file. In the boot start screen, select the option “Begin Installation” and perform the automatic installation. 

Step 4: Registration and activation

Once the Ayrix installation is complete and the Ayix-PBX is restarted, the setup is complete:

  • o do this, enter the following URL in your browser: http://IP-Adresse-der-Ayrix-Installtion
  • After successful activation you can access the Ayrix at any time with this IP address.

Step 5:
Initial configuration

  1. A step-by-step guide to configuring the Ayrix PBX can be found hier.