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Ayrix is free for up to 5 Extensions

Ayrix is free for up to 5 Extensions including all Features
Extension Features
Charged per user per month.
Feature Price
Extenstion Routing  
Follow me  
Geo CID  
Instance Features
Charged per month and unit, independent from number of extensions.
Qty Module Feature Price
Day / Night
Day / Night  
Ring Group  
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The quantity you entered for this feature exceeds the maximum allowed by the free plan. You will need to switch to a paid plan if you want to keep this quantity. Reset the quantity to the maximum allowed.
The quantity you entered for this feature exceeds the maximum allowed by the free plan. You will need to switch to a paid plan if you want to keep this quantity. Reset the quantity to the maximum allowed.
Time Condition  
The quantity you entered for this feature exceeds the maximum allowed by the free plan. You will need to switch to a paid plan if you want to keep this quantity. Reset the quantity to the maximum allowed.
The quantity you entered for this feature exceeds the maximum allowed by the free plan. You will need to switch to a paid plan if you want to keep this quantity. Reset the quantity to the maximum allowed.
The quantity you entered for this feature exceeds the maximum allowed by the free plan. You will need to switch to a paid plan if you want to keep this quantity. Reset the quantity to the maximum allowed.
Fax extension  
The quantity you entered for this feature exceeds the maximum allowed by the free plan. You will need to switch to a paid plan if you want to keep this quantity. Reset the quantity to the maximum allowed.
Fax Server  
PBX Features
Charged per user per month.
Feature Price
Call Supervision  
Extension Features:
Instance Features:
PBX Features:

Core Features
Free of charge always included
MS Teams integrationSBCTotal MS Teams integration with short number, using in ring groups or IVR or even Queue
Mobile AppPhoneGet the latest App for iOS or Android. Use it free of charge. Phone calls, chat and Video calls in one nice app
Desktop AppPhoneGet the latest App for Winddows and MacOS. Use it free of charge. Phone calls, chat and Video calls in one nice app
DashboardDashboardWith the Ayrix Dashboard you can monitor the status, events and usage of the Ayrix instance in real time.
ExtensionAdvanced SettingsThis function allows the user to enter additional settings for a specific extension.
ExtensionVoicemailThe "Voicemail" function is used to transmit the recorded audio message of a caller to an extension.
ExtensionCodecsBased on the call setup, the SIP protocol negotiates the codec to be used between the participants. The first codec that matches on both sides, is selected. Over the years different codec variants have been developed. If you have assigned a SIP trunk with a codec selection the extensions have already made the default codec selection available. For each extension, however, you can create a preferred codec selection for each extension.
CallflowHoldWith the "Hold" function, a user can put a call on hold on a telephone set and continue the call from the same or another telephone set.
RoutingInboundWith the "Incoming" function, the administrator can configure the routing rules for incoming calls.
RoutingOutboundWith the "Incoming" function, the administrator can configure the routing rules for outgoing calls.
RoutingEmergency NumbersWith the "Routing Emergency Numbers" function, the user can enter local emergency numbers that are always called directly without verification.
RoutingTrunkWith the "Trunk Line" function, the administrator can add and manage SIP trunks to be used with the PBX.
RecordsAnnouncementsWith the "Record Greetings" function you can record or upload an announcement (i.e. greeting) that is used and played by any other function that requests the playback of the recorded greeting.
PBXFeature CodeWith the PBX functional call, the user can enter function codes to access various PBX functions (i.e. * 13 for call waiting, * 69 for restarting the phone, etc.).
PBXTransfer CallbackWith the "Callback" function for PBX transmission, the user can activate or deactivate and configure ongoing call forwarding within the PBX.
PBXMusic on HoldWith the "Music on Hold" function, the telephone system can play audio files or radio streams to the caller while waiting if the call is on hold.
PBXSpeed DialingThe "Speed Dial" function allows you to use speed dial codes to reach a destination number. Speed dial rules can be created, removed and copied.
PBXGlobal VoiceBoxWith the "Global VoiceBox Function, you can configure the standard configure and access the default voicemail box for the entire PBX instance.
PBXGeo CIDGEO CID provides access to inbound traffic based on the
traffic based on the E164 country.
PBXTAPIThe Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI) is a standard interface for the connecting telephony to a server. A (Windows) TAPI server is responsible for handling the call histories between the PBX and the client. Microsoft has released several versions. TAPI version 1.x, 2.x and 3.x. TAPI 2.1 and 3.1 are still used today.
SecurityBruteForce ProtectionThis function allows you to block IP addresses, that have unsuccessfully attempted to connect to a specified within a certain period of time with a certain number of retries, either by registering with the PBX or logging on to the PBX GUI.
SecurityUser AuthorizationThis function grants users and groups access to the various Ayrix GUI functions. The options "Read", "Write" or "Delete" can be allowed or blocked.
SecurityPinsetThis function manages PIN registration
within the telephone system by assigning one or more extensions with a PIN number.
SecurityNumber BlacklistWith the "Number Blacklist" function, the user can block a list of numbers for incoming and/or outgoing calls.
The call is either terminated or forwarded to a specific number.
SecurityGeo RestrictionsWith the "Geo-restrictions" function, you can check the geographical availability of the web interface, phone registration and incoming and outgoing calls.
SecuritySSLWith this function, data is transmitted encrypted over the Internet.
SystemBackupThe backup feature allows the user to perform or schedule a system backup, which is stored in a backup file. The backup file can then be used to restore the system if necessary.
coming soon
StatisticsCDRComprehensive analysis based on CDR. Day by day or month by month or any time range. Learn what is going on in your company.
coming soon
SystemNetworkWith this function, the administrator can change the settings for network interface, routing and connectivity settings for the entire PBX.
SystemEmailThis function enables the administrator to configure the e-mail server and e-mail templates for the entire telephone system.
SystemLicenseWith this function the administrator can check the available elements of the active Ayrix license.
SystemLanguage & RegionWith the "Language & Region" function you can install and set the active language pack for the telephone system. In addition, the time zone, NTP time server and E.164 settings can be configured manually.
SystemRebootWith this function the Ayrix administrator can restart or shut down the telephone system. The administrator password is required to perform this action.
SystemTFTP ServerWith the "TFTP Server" function, the TFTP server can be executed within the PBX instance. TFTP (Trivial File Transfer) is a simple form of the FTP protocol that uses UDP.
PhonebookPhonebookThe phone book is used to create, search and import phone book entries.
Phone book entries can be selected between business, mobile and home numbers. A new contact can be added individually or multiple via CSV template.
ProvisioningPhoneWith the phone provisioning feature, you can configure VoIP phones either manually or using the provisioning templates.
ProvisioningTemplateWIth templates you can upload VoIP phone devices and wait until the Ayrix installation is implemented.